Search code examples

loop to tally the order weights per order #

I am stumped at the moment. What I have to do is, when the main loop is reading an order which is aaord#, we need to tally in this subroutine all the rest of the order rows which has a box weight. the shipping table is like this: for the output, we can put the ord_wt on each row, I can't think of any other way.

04924920    1.05    1
05012409    27.40   2
05012409    27.40   3
05012409    27.40   4
05012409    27.40   5
05012409    27.40   6
05012409    27.40   7
05012409    27.40   8
05012409    20.00   9
05012421    26.90   2
05012421    26.90   3
05012421    26.90   4
05012430    13.70   2
05036997    21.60   1
05036997    21.60   2
05036997    21.60   3
05036997    21.60   4
05037155    14.55   1
05037173    12.25   1
05037173    12.20   2
05039479    8.10    1

so in this code, what I want to do is see if the order number is not = to previous order number, then I will do this code to tally up all the order weights from the ship table. I also need to clear the holding field when there is such a new order number.\ but my output is only zeros in the ord_wt

 c                   eval      mhcmno4= aacom#                         
c*                  eval      wkrel@ = %EDITC(aarel#:'X')             
c*                  eval      wkrel2 = %subst(wkrel@:4:2)             
c                   eval      mhordr4 = aaord#                        
c                   eval      wkvsf='N'                               
c*                  endif                                             
c                   z-add     0             phwtno            702       
c     mhordr4       ifne      prvord                                    
c                   z-add     0             phwtot                      
c     mhkey4        setll     pshipLL4                                  
c                   read      pshipLL4                                  
c* loop thru all orders in the ship table and add the weight to get a   
c* total weight per order #                                             
c                   dow       not %eof(pshipLL4)                        
c                   if        mhcmno4 = PHCOM# and                      
c                             mhordr4 = PHORD#                          
c* phwght is 11 char                                                    
c                   eval      prvord = mhordr4                          
c                   eval      phwtno = %dec(PHWGHT:7:2)                 
c                   add       phwtno        phwtot                      
c                   else                                          
c                   leave                                         
c                   endif                                         
c                   read      pshipLL4                            
c                   enddo                                         
c                   endif                                         

c                   endsr                               
 OUTPUT:    packages of course cannot be 0. 
05475731    0
05475731    0
05475731    0
05475731    0
05475731    0
05475731    0
05475731    0
05475731    0
05475731    0
05476179    0
05476179    0
05476179    0
05476179    0
05476179    0
05476179    0
05476179    0
05476179    0
05476179    0
05476179    0
05476179    0
05476179    0
05476179    0
05476179    0
05476179    0
05476179    0
05475736    0
05475736    0
05475736    0
05475736    0
05475736    0
05475736    0
05475736    0
05475736    0
05475736    0
05475736    0
05475750    0
05475750    0
05475750    0
05475750    0
05475750    0
05475750    0


  • you could do this with SQL something like this:

    exec sql
      with tmp as (
        select orderno, sum(weight) as orderweight
          from orderdetail
          group by orderno)
      select orderno, itemno, weight, orderweight
        into :localdatastructure
        from orderdetail
        join tmp using(orderno)
        where orderno = :localvariable;

    where local variable is the order number you are processing, and local datastructure is a data structure defined to fit your output record. You need to make sure you are only reading a single record at a time, or you can put this into a cursor to read multiple records.