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Track user location like Google does

I'm developing an application that must track user location and send it to a remote server. I know there's already a ton of other questions here about this, but I was unable to find exactly what I need.

Basically I'm using FusedLocationProviderApi to receive location updates. It's really useful and easy to use. The problem is that I need to query for locations very often and it's draining the battery real quick (although maybe part of the battery use can be from the network operations to send the location to the server). However, I only need frequent updates while the user is moving.

So what I'm looking for is something like Google does to track Android users (as we can see in LocationHistory). Does anyone know if the locations obtained by Google from the smartphone are available somewhere? Or maybe a strategy to implement something similar?


  • A suggestion to lower battery consumption, you could use Activity Detection to determine how often you need to determine position. In this regard I can recommend to which I contributed with the Activity Detection part. The library also greatly reduces the lines of coded needed to get fused locations.

    The library includes a simple example of usage here:

    As you wrote in the comment it is not easy to find good examples of using ActivityDetectionApi. This was also one of the reasons why I added it to the library. In fact, the documentation that was available at the time from google was outdated as they had updated Google Play Services API, but not the tutorials.

    I do not have any good pointers to tutorials not using the library, but I can provide a snippet of my code using ReactiveLocation. This code is running in a Service, so it keeps track of current activity regardless of the app being in focus or not:

    private void requestFilteredActivityUpdates() {
        ReactiveLocationProvider locationProvider = new ReactiveLocationProvider(getApplicationContext());
        filteredActivitySubscription = locationProvider.getDetectedActivity(0).doOnError(new Action1<Throwable>() {
            public void call(Throwable throwable) {
                String message = "Error on activitySubscription: " + throwable.getMessage();
                Log.e(TAG, message, throwable);
        }).onErrorReturn(new Func1<Throwable, ActivityRecognitionResult>() {
            public ActivityRecognitionResult call(Throwable throwable) {
                List<DetectedActivity> list = new ArrayList<DetectedActivity>();
                list.add(new DetectedActivity(DetectedActivity.UNKNOWN, 0));
                return new ActivityRecognitionResult(list, System.currentTimeMillis(), SystemClock.elapsedRealtime());
        }).filter(new Func1<ActivityRecognitionResult, Boolean>() {
            public Boolean call(ActivityRecognitionResult activityRecognitionResult) {
                DetectedActivity detectedActivity = activityRecognitionResult.getMostProbableActivity();
                boolean highConfidence =  detectedActivity.getConfidence() > 75;
                DetectedActivity previousActivity = ActivityDetectionModule.Recent.getDetectedActivity();
                boolean isNewActivity = detectedActivity.getType() != previousActivity.getType();
                boolean hasHigherConfidence = detectedActivity.getConfidence() > previousActivity.getConfidence();
                return mJustStarted || (highConfidence && (isNewActivity || hasHigherConfidence)); 
        }).subscribe(new Action1<ActivityRecognitionResult>() {
            public void call(ActivityRecognitionResult activityRecognitionResult) {
                DetectedActivity detectedActivity = activityRecognitionResult.getMostProbableActivity();
                Log.i(TAG, "Activity changed or increased in confidence:");
                Log.i(TAG, "New: " + ActivityDetectionModule.getNameFromType(detectedActivity.getType()) + " confidence: " + detectedActivity.getConfidence());

    And in onDestroy() I call

    public void unsubscribeActivityUpdates() {
    private void unsubscribe(Subscription subscription) {
        if (subscription != null && !subscription.isUnsubscribed()) {
            Log.i(TAG, "Unsubscribe activity updates");
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
            subscription = null;

    I hope this illustrates well enough how to use the library, otherwise feel free to ask.