I've been trying to translate my objects into a json string with TJson.ObjectToJsonString(object). It works fine for simple objects but it will break if the object contains an array(static or dynamic). What's the correct way of creating an json string of an object? I've looked at TSuperObject but it wasn't apparent what I would need to do.
Class structure
TPerson = class(TObject)
FID : integer;
FLastName : string;
FFirstName: string;
FEmail : string;
fMyArray : array[0..2] of boolean;
function ReadArray(i : integer):boolean;
procedure WriteArray(i : integer; val:boolean);
property ID : integer read FID write FID;
property LastName : string read FLastName write FLastName;
property FirstName: string read FFirstName write FFirstName;
property Email : string read FEmail write FEmail;
property MyArray[i : integer] :boolean read ReadArray write WriteArray;
person := TPerson.create();
person.ID := 25;
person.FirstName := 'Homer';
person.LastName := 'Bologna';
person.Email := 'Homer@Bologna.com';
person.myArray[0] := true;
person.myArray[1] := false;
person.myArray[2] := true;
str := TJson.ObjectToJsonString(person);//Access Violation
You can persuade ObjectToJsonString
to handle arrays, but they need to be arrays with type info. Your array uses an inline type, and they do not have type info.
For instance declare the field fMyArray
like this:
TPerson = class(TObject)
TBooleanArray = array [0 .. 2] of Boolean;
FID: integer;
FLastName: string;
FFirstName: string;
FEmail: string;
fMyArray: TBooleanArray; // <-- this type has type info
function ReadArray(i: integer): Boolean;
procedure WriteArray(i: integer; val: Boolean);
property ID: integer read FID write FID;
property LastName: string read FLastName write FLastName;
property FirstName: string read FFirstName write FFirstName;
property Email: string read FEmail write FEmail;
property MyArray[i: integer]: Boolean read ReadArray write WriteArray;
A call to ObjectToJsonString
produces this:
Likewise, for dynamic arrays use
fMyArray: TArray<Boolean>;
rather than
fMyArray: array of Boolean;
for the exact same reason.
You might want to consider using a different JSON library though. The Embarcadero supplied library doesn't have the best of reputations.