I am trying to create a new View for SR object in maximo anywhere, I created view like this
<view id="SR.SRView" label="Service Request">
<queries resource="serviceRequest">
<query label="My SR" queryBase="getMySR" />
<requiredResource name="serviceRequest">
<requiredAttribute name="siteid" />
<list resource="serviceRequest" attribute="siteid">
<sortOption label="Item">
<sortAttribute name="siteid" direction="asc" />
<listItemTemplate layout="PlannedMaterialListItem">
<listtext resourceAttribute="siteid" layoutInsertAt="item1" />
and resource defination like
<resource providedBy="/oslc/sp/ServiceRequest"
name="serviceRequest" pageSize="20">
<attribute name="siteid" describedByProperty="dcterms:description" />
<queryBase name="getMySR" queryUri="/oslc/os/oslcsrequest?savedQuery=SR%3AMYSR"/>
I added it inside workdetail view, after work log entry
<groupitem transitionTo="SR.SRView" layout="PlannedMaterialListItem">
<text value="Service Request" editable="false" layoutInsertAt="item1"
cssClass="relatedRecords" >
But when I am trying to open it, it shows error like WOrklist records could not be downloaded, contact administrator
Note that if I just change the "transitionTO" to any existing view in app.xml then it works fine. It opens the view but its not opening my view.
Can someone guide me how to create new view in app.xml and wheter I am missing any steps.
Any help will be highly appriciated.
If you hit this OSLC URL directly in your browser
filling in yourhost, username and password.. does the set of returned Service Requests come back from the OSLC layer?