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Using machine learning to make a computer learn calculus

Are there any known approaches of making a machine learn calculus?

I've learnt that it is quite simple to teach calculating derivatives because it is possible to implement an algorithm.

Meanwhile, an implementation of integration is possible but is rarely or never fully implemented due to the algorithmic complexity.

I am curious whether there are any academic successes in the field of using machine learning science to evaluate and calculate integrals.


I am interested in teaching a computer to integrate using neural networks or similar methods.


  • My personal opinion it is not possible to feed into NN enough rules for integrating. Why? Because NN are good for linear regression ( AKA approximation ) or logical regression ( AKA classification ). Integration is neither of them. It is calculation task according to some strict algorithms. So from this prospective it's good idea to use some mathematical ways to integrate.
    Update on 2020-10-23
    Right now I'm in position of being ashamed by new developments according to news. Facebook recently announced that they developed some kind of AI, which is good in solving integrations.