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Only start magnific popup when body has specific class

I am working with magnific popup and want to show a video when someone is coming to the side (including not showing it everytime a user comes to the site, hence the localStorage part). This all works and here is the code:

    function($) {
        $(window).load(function () {
            if(localStorage.getItem('popState') != 'shown'){
                    items: {
                        src: ''
                    type: 'iframe',
                    iframe: {

                        patterns: {
                        youtube: {
                index: '', 
                id: 'v=',
                src: ''
            }, 5000);

Now, I want to show the popup only on a specific page (when a specific language is selected). I noticed that the body tag changes the class when a user selects a language, example:

<body class="lang-en-EN">


<body class="lang-de-DE">

Is there a way to fire the popup, when the class changes from language EN to DE?

Update: Here is the Fiddle


  • In the if-statement you already have, just check for the class as well, adding (e.g.) $(body).hasClass("lang-en-DE"):

    (function($) {
        $(window).load(function () {
            if($(body).hasClass("lang-en-DE") && localStorage.getItem('popState') != 'shown'){
                    items: {
                        src: ''
                    type: 'iframe',
                    iframe: {
                        patterns: {
                            youtube: {
                                index: '', 
                                id: 'v=',
                                src: ''
            }, 5000);