I am trying to write a method called square_digits
that squares every digit in a given number. I wrote:
def square_digits(num)
number_array = num.to_s.split("")
num_to_int = number_array.to_i
num_squared = num_to_int.each{|n| n**2}
return num_squared.join("")
When trying to run square_digits(3212)
, which should return 9414
, I get the following error message:
`block in square_digits': undefined method `**' for "3":String (NoMethodError)
from `each'
from `square_digits'
from `
I'm not quite sure what I should do to fix it; any suggestions?
Hmm there are a few problems here:
With the input 123
it should error on:
num_to_int = number_array.to_i
NoMethodError: undefined method 'to_i' for ["1","2","3"]:Array
You want:
num_to_int = number_array.map(&:to_i)
num_squared = num_to_int.each{|n| n**2}
doesn't return the results of each
just the original array.
So with the first fix it will just return "123"
you want:
num_squared = num_to_int.map{|n| n**2}
So the final function looks like:
def square_digits(num)
number_array = num.to_s.split("")
num_to_int = number_array.map(&:to_i)
num_squared = num_to_int.map{|n| n**2}
return num_squared.join("")
Although i'm confused about what you are trying to achieve.