I'm trying to write an AutoHotkey script for toggling Sublime Text 3's sidebar. Here's what I have so far:
; Custom Script for Sublime Text 3
; Map 'F10' key to Control+k, Control+b (open/close sidebar)
; If in Sublime Text
#IfWinActive ahk_class PX_WINDOW_CLASS
Send {Ctrl down}
SetKeyDelay -1
Send {k down}
SetKeyDelay 0
Send {Ctrl down}
SetKeyDelay -1
Send {b down}
So far I can toggle the sidebar closed but the script is not toggling it back open.
The script actually causes weird keyboard functionality in Windows so I don't recommend testing it as is.
How can I rewrite this so it toggles the sidebar properly?
You can change that within Sublime.
Go to Preferences
-> Key Bindings - User
and paste this:
{ "keys": ["f10"], "command": "toggle_side_bar" }
If you already have a bunch of custom key bindings, omit the square brackets.
{ "keys": ["f10"], "command": "toggle_side_bar" }