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create xml document and add or just add if document exixts

here is my code:

Element FICHADAS = new Element("FICHADAS");
Document doc = new Document(FICHADAS);

    Element fichada = new Element("fichada");
    fichada.addContent(new Element("N_Terminal").setText(props.getProperty("N_TERMINAL")));
    fichada.addContent(new Element("Tarjeta").setText(codOperario));
    Date fechaFormatoFecha = new Date( );
    fichada.addContent(new Element("Fecha").setText(formatoFecha.format(fechaFormatoFecha)));
    Date fechaFormatoHora = new Date( );
    fichada.addContent(new Element("Hora").setText(formatoHora.format(fechaFormatoHora)));
    fichada.addContent(new Element("Causa").setText("2"));
    XMLOutputter xmlOutput = new XMLOutputter();
    xmlOutput.output(doc, new FileWriter("fichadas.xml"));

} catch(IOException io){

I'm creating a new document each time that i execute the program and i only want to create it if isn't exists, if the document exists just add the content.


  • Look at this constructor of Filewriter

    Constructs a FileWriter object given a file name with a boolean indicating whether or not to append the data written.

    Also FIRST you must check if file exists:

    File fichadas=new File("fichadas.xml");
    if (fichadas.exists()){
         // append
         xmlOutput.output(doc, new FileWriter("fichadas.xml", true));
    } else {
         // create 
         xmlOutput.output(doc, new FileWriter("fichadas.xml"));

    UPDATE to avoid the declaration, you must use Format.setOmitDeclaration(boolean). So you must add a format to the XMLOutputter:

    // declare XMLOutputter 
    XMLOutputter xmlOutput = new XMLOutputter();
    // declare Format
    Format fmt = Format.getPrettyFormat();
    // set omit declaration to true
    // assign Format to XMLOutputter 