I have a CSV file with a column having a date in format d/m/Y or the word "Illimité" inside meaning unlimited in French.
I would like each time it reads "Illimité" it puts NULL value inside MySQL table.
Here is my current PHP code :
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
$query = "TRUNCATE TABLE `formation` ";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$file = $_FILES['file']['tmp_name'];
$handle = fopen($file, "r");
while (($fileop = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ";")) !== false) {
$nom = $fileop[0];
$prenom = $fileop[1];
$formation = $fileop[16];
$validite = $fileop[26];
if (is_numeric($validite)) {
$validite = date_format(date_create_from_format('d/m/Y', $validite), 'Y-m-d');
$sql = mysql_query("INSERT INTO formation (nom,prenom,formation,validite,usermaj) VALUES ('$nom','$prenom','$formation','$validite','importCSV')");
} else {
$sql = mysql_query("INSERT INTO formation (nom,prenom,formation,validite,usermaj) VALUES ('$nom','$prenom','$formation',NULL,'importCSV')");
Sadly this isn't working. MySql shows no errors and it puts NULL all the time. Any help would me much appreciate.
Try this:
function myFunc($CSVValue){
//your mysql logic where you put in the date
//your mysql logic where you put in the null
function validateDate($date)
$d = DateTime::createFromFormat('d/m/Y', $date);
return $d && $d->format('d/m/Y') == $date;
function was copied from this answer or php.net
-- update --
I don't know how your code looks other than what you have provided. If you were to put this in your code it could look something like this:
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
$query = "TRUNCATE TABLE `formation` ";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$file = $_FILES['file']['tmp_name'];
$handle = fopen($file, "r");
while (($fileop = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ";")) !== false) {
$nom = $fileop[0];
$prenom = $fileop[1];
$formation = $fileop[16];
$validite = $fileop[26];
$d = DateTime::createFromFormat('d/m/Y', $validite);
if ($d && $d->format('d/m/Y') == $validite) {
$validite = date_format(date_create_from_format('d/m/Y', $validite), 'Y-m-d');
$sql = mysql_query("INSERT INTO formation (nom,prenom,formation,validite,usermaj) VALUES ('$nom','$prenom','$formation','$validite','importCSV')");
} else {
$sql = mysql_query("INSERT INTO formation (nom,prenom,formation,validite,usermaj) VALUES ('$nom','$prenom','$formation',NULL,'importCSV')");