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yii multiple record validate and insert

I want to validate and insert multiple records from single form.

I tried following solution, but it is not validating each records. Yii - multiple records in one form submission

I've used something like this in my form:

<td><?php echo CHtml::activeTextField($item,"[$i]name"); ?></td>
<td><?php echo CHtml::activeTextField($item,"[$i]price"); ?></td>
<td><?php echo CHtml::activeTextField($item,"[$i]count"); ?></td>
<td><?php echo CHtml::activeTextArea($item,"[$i]description"); ?></td>

And in my controller I've done similar to this:

public function actionBatchCreate() {
    // since you know how many models
    while($i<5) {
        // you can also allocate memory for the model with `new Modelname` instead
        // of assigning the static model
    if (isset($_POST['Modelname'])) {
        foreach ($_POST['Modelname'] as $j=>$model) {
            if (isset($_POST['Modelname'][$j])) {
                $models[$j]=new Modelname; // if you had static model only
                $valid=$models[$j]->validate() && $valid;
        if ($valid) {
            while (isset($models[$i])) {
                $models[$i++]->save(false);// models have already been validated
            // anything else that you want to do, for example a redirect to admin page



  • <?php
    public function actionBatchCreate() 
        $arrItems = array();
        $valid = true;
        if(isset($_POST['Modelname'])) {
            foreach ($_POST['Modelname'] as $i => $notUsed)
                $objItem = new Modelname();
                $valid = $objItem->validate() && $valid;
                $arrItems[] = $objItem;
            if($valid) {
                foreach ($arrItems as $objItemValidated) {
        // optional create a initial empty row in View
        if(!count($arrItems)) {
            $arrItems[] = new Modelname();

    View-File batch-create-form.php

    <?php foreach($models AS $i => $item):?>
            <td><?php echo CHtml::activeTextField($item,"[$i]name"); ?></td>
            <td><?php echo CHtml::activeTextField($item,"[$i]price"); ?></td>
            <td><?php echo CHtml::activeTextField($item,"[$i]count"); ?></td>
            <td><?php echo CHtml::activeTextArea($item,"[$i]description"); ?></td>
    <?php endforeach;?>