Is it possible to use chrome.fileSystem
inside NaCl
The chrome.fileSystem API allows you to access the user's local filesystem via a Chrome App. This requires a user to pick a directory to expose to the App.
This filesystem can be passed to the NaCl module and then used with the standard NaCl pp::FileSystem API.
There is an example of this in the NaCl SDK at examples/tutorial/filesystem_passing
. You can browse the code for it here.
Here are the important parts: JavaScript:
chrome.fileSystem.chooseEntry({type: 'openDirectory'}, function(entry) {
if (!entry) {
// The user cancelled the dialog.
// Send the filesystem and the directory path to the NaCl module.
filesystem: entry.filesystem,
fullPath: entry.fullPath
// Got a message from JavaScript. We're assuming it is a dictionary with
// two elements:
// {
// filesystem: <A Filesystem var>,
// fullPath: <A string>
// }
pp::VarDictionary var_dict(var_message);
pp::Resource filesystem_resource = var_dict.Get("filesystem").AsResource();
pp::FileSystem filesystem(filesystem_resource);
std::string full_path = var_dict.Get("fullPath").AsString();
std::string save_path = full_path + "/hello_from_nacl.txt";
std::string contents = "Hello, from Native Client!\n";
It's important to note that all paths in this FileSystem must be prefixed with full_path. Any other accesses will fail.