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jQuery Delay Question

<script type="text/javascript">
 $(document).ready(function() {
  $(".module .caption").hide();
  $(".module").hover(function() {
   },function() {

This works great, except the .delay doesn't work, is my syntax wrong? I'm just trying to accomplish haveing the .removeClass("under") delayed by a second or two when the mouse un-hovers. I don't want to delay the slideUp.

Any ideas?


  • delay() works on the fx queue by default. removeClass does not get added to any queues, so cannot be affected by delay() without some changes.

    You can either:

    1. Add the removeClass call to the fx queue manually
    2. Use setTimeout instead.

    Solution 1 Note the reshuffling of delay in the jQuery chain as well!:

    $(this).find(".caption").slideUp().end().siblings('.module').delay(1000).queue(function () {
        $(this).removeClass('under').dequeue(); // dequeue is IMPORTANT!

    Solution 2:

      $(".module").hover(function() {
       },function() {
         var self = $(this).find(".caption").slideUp().end().siblings('.module');
         setTimeout(function () {
         }, 1000);   

    Note that both solutions will give weird (but different) effects if someone mouse overs/ outs a few times. To solve the issues with #1, add .stop().clearQueue() to the chain on mouse over. To solve #2, store a reference to the timeout, and clearTimeout(theVariable) on mouse over.