I'm looking for a way to be able to check if a certain rake task exists from within the Rakefile. I have a task dependency that I only want to include as a dependency if that task is available. In this particular case, the task is only available in a Rails project, but I want my rake tasks to work in a more general Ruby application environment too (not just Rails).
I want to do something like this:
if tasks.includes?('assets:precompile')
task :archive => [:clean, :vendor_deps, 'assets:precompile']
task :archive => [:clean, :vendor_deps]
What is the best way to conditionally include a task dependency in a rake task?
what about doing something like this? Invoke the task if it exists, as opposed to making it an explicit dependency?
task :archive => [:clean, :vendor_deps] do
Rake.application["assets:precompile"].invoke if Rake::Task.task_defined?('assets:precompile')
or even easier. Since specifying the task again allows you to add to it, something like this appears to work as well.
task :archive => [:clean, :vendor_deps] do
task :archive => "assets:precompile" if Rake::Task.task_defined?("assets:precompile")
which will conditionally add the dependency on assets:precompile if it is defined.