I'm trying to use os.system
to use the taskkill command in command prompt. ill gut out the only part im having trouble with:
os.system('taskkill /s %s /u CORP\Administrator /p CLARiiON! /pid AxAuto.exe'%(connection[i]))
The variable connection[i]
is just an IP Address of a remote computer on the same network. I can run this command straight from the command prompt locally and just directly input the IP and I know for a fact it will work, But running the command through Python in this format returns "> was unexpected at this time." Am I making a silly formatting mistake in this line of code? the error can be seen below:
EDIT: I've also been told to use the Subprocess module. i tried the snippet below:
command="taskkill /s %s /u CORP\Administrator /p CLARiiON! /im AxAuto.exe"%(connection[i]))
subprocess.Popen(command, stdout= subprocess.PIPE, stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
It doesnt fail in the script but it also doesnt kill the process.
Try something like the code below:
from subprocess import call
call(['taskkill', '/s', connection[i], '/u', 'CORP\Administrator', '/py',
'CLARiiON!', '/pid', 'AxAuto.exe'])