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Auto Update SVN after Commit and Export it to zip

Me and my friends are developing android Custom ROMS, the problem is we immediately update when there is something need to update. i use google code trunk to upload our custom roms for now and i need to zip it and upload it, is there is a way for a better proccess that our server automatically svn update when i commit, and export it to zip automatically too? thanks in advance


  • Your question is a bit hard to understand. However, I think you might find Jenkins, a build server, to be helpful.

    With Jenkins, you can have it build on command, at specific times, or when the source code repository itself was changed. You can also archive your ZIP file in a Jenkins build webpage itself.

    How do you do your builds now? Do you use Ant? If you use Ant, you can have Ant to create the Zipfiles themselves, and store them in Jenkins. You could even have Jenkins automatically load your built custom ROM directly to Google Code.