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RegisterProperty cache display name

I'm using the RegisterProperty from CSLA. I also have DisplayAttribute and DisplayNameAttribute on my properties attached to a resource. I notice that the .Name property of each of my RegisterProperty are cached. If I switch language, the .Name is not refreshed. This causes trouble since I'm using StringLengthAttribute and others to handle some business rules.

Is there a way to refresh the .Name or make sure the value isn't cached?


  • For now I decided to create my own attribute that takes the display name as parameter. I which there was a way to disable caching.

    Public Class StringLengthExAttribute
        Inherits StringLengthAttribute
        Private _displayResourceName As String = ""
        Public Sub New(ByVal maximumLength As Integer)
            Me.ErrorMessageResourceName = "ruleExceedMaxCharacter"
            Me.ErrorMessageResourceType = GetType(My.Resources)
        End Sub
        Public Sub New(ByVal displayResourceName As String, ByVal maximumLength As Integer)
            _displayResourceName = displayResourceName
            Me.ErrorMessageResourceName = "ruleExceedMaxCharacter"
            Me.ErrorMessageResourceType = GetType(My.Resources)
        End Sub
        Public Overrides Function FormatErrorMessage(name As String) As String
            If _displayResourceName <> "" Then
                name = My.Resources.ResourceManager.GetString(_displayResourceName)
            End If
            Return MyBase.FormatErrorMessage(name)
        End Function
    End Class