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Lambda Calculus beta reduction

I have the following lambda calculus:

( x ( λyz.xz ) ( λxy.zyx )) (( λ ) ( λy.xz ))

which I already reduced:

alpha => ( x ( λyz.xz ) ( λxy.zyx )) (( λyx1.x1yz )) ( λy.xz ))
beta  => ( x ( λyz.xz ) ( λxy.zyx )) ( λx1.x1 ( λy.xz ) z )

My question: Why are the following reductions wrong? They seem to simplify the expression to me:

beta1 => ( x ( λyz.xz ) ( λxy.zyx )) ( λx1.x1 ( xz ))
beta2 => ( x ( λy.x ( λxy.zyx ))) ( λx1.x1 ( xz ))


  • To avoid confusion I would suggest to alpha-rename a bit more. So it would appear you have x and z in "scope" (they are not bound by any λ in your term), it is a good idea to make sure if you are referring to them or not.

    I would rewrite your term like this:

    (x (λy1,z1. x z1) (λx2,y2. z y2 x2)) ((λy3,x3. x3 y3 z) (λy4. x z))

    I went quite far in renaming (this is unnecessary of course, but like this, we are sure which is which).

    This term beta-reduces to

    (x (λy1,z1. x z1) (λx2,y2. z y2 x2)) ((λx3. x3 (λy4. x z) z))

    And then

    (x (λy1,z1. x z1) (λx2,y2. z y2 x2)) ((λx3. x3 (λy4. x z) z))

    This is indeed alpha-equivalent to what you wrote. What you want to do then is apply (λy4. x z) to z. This is not how you should be reading x3 (λy4. x z) z which could be also written with more parentheses like this (x3 (λy4. x z)) z. Somehow this term is stuck because its head is a variable.

    There isn't much you can do about it because this term is also involved in an application you can't reduce. Perhaps you could also rewrite (λy1,z1. x z1) into (λy1. x) by eta-reduction.

    So you cannot get (x (λyz.xz) (λxy.zyx)) (λx1.x1 (x z)) and for the same reason, you can't beta-reduce it to (x (λy.x (λxy.zyx))) (λx1.x1 (x z)) because you got the parenthesizing wrong.

    f x y is read from left to right, you take f and you apply it to x, then you apply the result to y.