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Xcode 6 Archiving and get a warning "Skipping copy phase strip ,binary is code signed" when add "share extension" to target

I got this warning when I added share extension to my project and archiving it warning: skipping copy phase strip, binary is code signed: /Users/xxxx/xxx/xxxx/Build/xxxx/Build/Intermediates/ArchiveIntermediates/xxxx/IntermediateBui ldFilesPath/UninstalledProducts/XXX.appex/XXXX

The old question does not provide and insight to correct this . So I decided to ask again. Warning during archive App with iOS 8 Extension in Xcode 6

Can someone please explain why this is happening ? Is it because the extension target is already code signed? If so, how to solve it ?

I knew that setting "Strip debug symbols during copy" to "NO" can clear this warning . But it is not actually solve the problem. And what is the drawback of not "stripping debug symbol"? Because my archive size is still the same whether I set this to YES or NO


  • Do not disable Strip Debug Symbols During Copy in your application project. This will bloat your app (if you have other unsigned dependencies).

    It occurs because building the application project attempts to strip the framework but it can't since the framework is already codesigned. However the framework has already been stripped during it's build, so the warning is harmless. Xcode isn't doesn't seem to detect that the codesigned framework has already been stripped.

    You should leave it as is.