Hello we need to develop a web application using Oracle ADF and jdeveloper 12c. This is a big project so we need to develop this application with the help of a team of size 10 members. Our doubt is how we can develop a web application using a team.
Suppose that we have 10 modules. Each module has developed by each member(Each member is using different system with same environment. Jdeveloper 12c). Finally developing all the 10 modules how we can combine all the 10 modules as a single application. How we can modify bindings , page flows and connection details.
Please help.
Thanks in advance.
A comprehensive look at ADF team size and roles you can find on ADF Architecture TV channel.
In terms of architecture, I would suggest SUM of the Parts Pattern:
Simply put, every member can use their own workspace where they will create bounded task flows based on fragments. Then, each of those workspaces will be packaged as ADF Libraries and imported into a MASTER workspace, acting as a portal. One of the most common patterns for implementing Master portal is Dynamic Tabs UI Shell Template Functional UI Pattern