I am in the process of writing a report and am having some trouble getting a series of data to return correctly (Data warehouse may be ideal, but not an option right now). Effectively, I have 2 tables I need to join and report on...
Transactions and Receipts. Transactions contain the amount billed and Receipts contain the amount paid. My report needs to show:
LastName | FirstName | Company | Location | Total | 30 | 60 | 90
Tom | Clark | Microsoft | Washington | $300 | $80 | $100 | $120
Where 30,60,90 are buckets to show the amount owed 30 days ago, 60 days ago, etc. This is where I'm struggling. I can get the other values without issue. This is what I have thus far:
sum((st.Billing_AmountPerUnitAllowed * st.Billing_NumberOfUnits) - coalesce(r.PaymentAmount, 0)) as Total,
(select sum((st.Billing_AmountPerUnitAllowed * st.Billing_NumberOfUnits) - coalesce(r.PaymentAmount, 0))
where DateDiff(day, st.service_date, @effectiveDate) > 0 and DateDiff(day, st.service_date, @effectiveDate) < 30) as '30',
(select sum((st.Billing_AmountPerUnitAllowed * st.Billing_NumberOfUnits) - coalesce(r.PaymentAmount, 0))
where DateDiff(day, st.service_date, @effectiveDate) >= 30 and DateDiff(day, st.service_date, @effectiveDate) < 60) as '60'
ServiceTransactions st
join Claims c on st.Claim_Id = c.Id
left outer join Receipts r on c.Id = r.ClaimId
group by
This of course doesn't work because the st.Service_Date is in the top level select statement, which causes an error because it's not in an aggregate or the group by clause. I've considered going with a Common Table Expression, but wasn't sure how to best utilize that. Any insight would be most appreciated.
Thanks for your time!
You want conditional aggregation. This puts the case
inside the sum()
sum(case when DateDiff(day, st.service_date, @effectiveDate) > 0 and DateDiff(day, st.service_date, @effectiveDate) < 30)
then (st.Billing_AmountPerUnitAllowed * st.Billing_NumberOfUnits) -
coalesce(r.PaymentAmount, 0)
else 0
end) as days_30,
sum(case when DateDiff(day, st.service_date, @effectiveDate) >= 30 and DateDiff(day, st.service_date, @effectiveDate) < 60)
then (st.Billing_AmountPerUnitAllowed * st.Billing_NumberOfUnits) -
coalesce(r.PaymentAmount, 0)
else 0
end) as days_60