The code I have is this:
class SourceService[Out[+_]](implicit monad:Monad[Out]) {
def doSomething:Out[String] =
class SimplifiedPipe[Out[+_], In[+_]]
(implicit monad:Monad[Out], pipe: ~>[In, Out]) {
implicit def ~>[I[+ _], O[+ _], T](value: I[T])(implicit nt: ~>[I, O]): O[T]
= nt.apply(value)
implicit class lift[T, O[+ _]](m: O[T])(implicit monad: Monad[O]) {
def flatMap[S](f: T => O[S]): O[S] =
def map[S](f: T => S): O[S] =
def foreach(f: T => Unit) =
def run: Out[String] =
for {
s <- myService.doSomething
} yield s
And intellij recognises the implicits, on compile it cannot resolve the map function. Anything Im obviously doing wrong here?
I was able to resolve this by creating a custom combined implicit class. Also this works as long as import scalaz._ is NOT in scope.
implicit class PipeMonad[Out[+_], In[+_], A](in: In[A])(implicit monad: Monad[Out], pipe:In ~> Out) {
def flatMap[T](f:A => Out[T]):Out[T] =
def map[T](f:A => T):Out[T] =