I have a XML with the following structure:
<attribute datatype="text">
<value><![CDATA[Product Name]]></value>
<attribute datatype="text">
<attribute datatype="numeric">
<attribute datatype="numeric">
Now, here I am looking for the following output:
Product Name : PRODUCTSKU : 10000 : 123456789
But with the following code am fetching the whole details under attribute node but I can't segregate the SUB NODES values...
$reader = new XMLReader();
$reader->open( 'test.xml' );
$id = 'attributes';
while ($reader->read()) {
if ($reader->nodeType == XMLReader::ELEMENT) {
$exp = $reader->expand();
if ($exp->nodeName == $id)
echo "<b>" . $exp->nodeName . " : </b>" . $exp->nodeValue . "<br />";
I have also tried this with DOMDOcument also:
$xml = new DOMDocument();
$root = $xml->documentElement;
foreach($root->childNodes as $node){
//print $node->nodeName.' - '.$node->nodeValue;
print $node->nodeValue;
But this also displays all the sub nodes together...I want to segregate them and store into DB...please help me with this...am struggling with this quiet a long
It's easier to use SimpleXML
but if you want to use XMLReader
try this:
$values = array();
$reader = new XMLReader();
$reader->open( 'test.xml' );
$id = 'attribute';
while ($reader->read()) {
if ($reader->nodeType == XMLReader::ELEMENT) {
$exp = $reader->expand();
if ($exp->nodeName == "item") {
if (count($values)) print implode(" : ", $values);
$values = array();
if ($exp->nodeName == $id) {
foreach ($exp->childNodes as $node) {
if ($node->nodeName == "value") {
$values[] = $node->textContent;
if (count($values)) print implode(" : ", $values);