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After upgrade Boot2Docker 1.5 to 1.6 error append:Failed to get machine "boot2docker-vm": machine does not exist (Did you run `boot2docker init`?)

After upgrade to docker 1.6

error in run: Failed to get machine "boot2docker-vm": machine does not exist (Did you run boot2docker init?)

boot2docker fail to run and nothing to do to restore.

boot2docker.exe ssh
error in run: Failed to get machine "boot2docker-vm": machine does not exist (Did you run `boot2docker init`?)


boot2docker.exe init
error in run: Failed to get latest release: Get dial tcp: GetAddrInfoW: No such host is known.


  • The official upgrade process is:

    boot2docker stop
    boot2docker download
    boot2docker up

    I have done it in a simple cmd.exe session, and it worked perfectly, even behind proxy.

    C:\Users\VonC\prog\b2d>bd download
    Latest release for boot2docker/boot2docker is v1.6.0
    Downloading boot2docker ISO image...
    Success: downloaded
            to Z:\.boot2docker\boot2docker.iso
    Boot2Docker version 1.6.0, build master : a270c71 - Thu Apr 16 19:50:36 UTC 2015
    Docker version 1.6.0, build 4749651     

    boot2docker upgrade might not have the expected result (in that it would reset everything, including removing boot2docker-vm).
    So don't do that.

    If you did that, you have to do again a which will init (again) and start and new boot2docker VM instance.

    Regarding the "dial tcp: GetAddrInfoW: No such host is known.", see issue 686.

    You can at least debug the init step with boot2docker init -v.

    I have rebooted my system, then I can create my docker container now

    The issue also includes:

    You seem to be using the built in Windows cmd.exe shell - which is not supported.
    You need to use the Boot2Docker shell.

    Dieter Menne mentions in the comments:

    "cmd not supported": In theory you are right, but because of a bug parsing the -v line, currently you MUST use cmd or Powershell for 1.6 when you have shared folders.
    See issue 12590

    For others: Do no forget to run "boot2docker shellinit" in cmd.