getSymbols("SNE",src="yahoo",from = as.Date("2011-04-20"), to =as.Date("2015-04-22"))
SNElog <- diff( log( Cl( SNE ) ) )
SNElog <- SNElog[-1,]
SNElogT <- as.ts( tail(SNElog, 1000))
SNElogTimeArma <- armaFit( formula=~arima(0,1,0), data=SNElogT )
SNE.Adjusted.boot.sum <- numeric(1000)
for(i in 1:1000)
this.samp <- SNElog [ sample(1000,1000,replace=T, prob=??? )]
SNE.Adjusted.boot.sum[i] <- sum(this.samp)
This is my code.
My professor requirement: Implement the bootstrap method for resampling the data set, assuming that log prices follow random walk using an ARMA model.
Random walk just reminds my of ARIMA(0,1,0), But I have no idea how to combine the bootstrap with ARMA model.
Simply put, bootstrap is just recursively generating samples with replacement so as to fit a model. Then their performance is aggregated.
Below is a quick trial to obtain bootstrap coefficients, assuming ARIMA(1, 0, 1). As it is not specified clearly, I'm not sure the actual requirement.
price <- diff(sample(log(100:120), 101, replace = TRUE))
# bootstrap
boot <- function(trial, formula, data) {
mod <- armaFit(formula, sample(data, trial, replace = TRUE))
coef <- do.call(rbind, lapply(rep(length(price), 2), boot, formula = ~ arima(1,0,1), data = price))
apply(coef, 2, mean)
ar1 ma1 intercept
-0.66724275 0.67331811 -0.00551791
Note that I only made 2 random samples (rep(length(price), 2)
) and your result will be different with a different setup or even with the same setup - recall that bootstrap generates random samples.
The key idea of bootstrap is in armaFit(formula, sample(data, trial, replace = TRUE))
where the model is fit to bootstrap sample, not the actual data.
I hope it is helpful.