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Is UNIX time universal

I did some research on internet but still confused. Is UNIX time universal time like GMT/UTC or does it vary from place to place like a local time?

I know UNIX time is counted from 1st Jan, 1970 00:00:00 GMT. When I use getTime() function in Java (more specifically Date d= new Date(); long currentTime d.getTime()) I am getting the UNIX time in milliseconds. Now If person A and person B use the same function who are sitting in two different time zones, will they get the same result?


  • Now If person A and person B use the same function who are sitting in two different time zones, will they get the same result?

    Yes, they will - assuming their clocks are both "correct" of course.

    The java.util.Date class is basically a wrapper around "the time since the Unix epoch, in milliseconds". Given that the Unix epoch was an instant in time (not just "midnight on January 1st 1970", the number of elapsed milliseconds is the same wherever you are. (Ignoring relativity and any discussion of leap seconds...)

    (Side-note: at the Unix epoch, it wasn't midnight in Greenwich. It was 1am, because the UK was observing BST at the time. That's British Standard Time, not British Summer Time - the UK was at UTC+1 from Feb 18th 1968 to October 31st 1971. For more similar trivia, see the Noda Time user guide trivia page.)