i have the following problem: I read out database items in an observable list. Now I want to display some items from the selected line in a few textfields on the right side of my tableview.
I got the observable-line-index with the following code, but I want to select an other column of the line.
AnalysemethodenTable.getSelectionModel().selectedItemProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<Object>() {
public void changed(ObservableValue<?> observable, Object oldvalue, Object newValue) {
databaseIndex = (analysemethodendata.indexOf(newValue) + 1);
System.out.println("Index:\t" + databaseIndex);
I found the following code: Click
But i don't understand this. It's something like to write a new list and place a copy of the items of the observable list in this new list.
I think, if I have the index of the line with my code, I can select the other items in the line of the observable list, too (I thought like "x,y" like an array)
If i cast it to String, the output is only machine code.
Hope I can understand the solution with your help!
EDIT: I inserted the following code:
But I only get machine code in my Output:
EDIT 2: Table-Controller-Code:
package table;
import javafx.beans.property.SimpleFloatProperty;
import javafx.beans.property.SimpleStringProperty;
public class analysemethoden_table {
private final SimpleStringProperty rAmnorm;
private final SimpleStringProperty rMethverantw;
private final SimpleFloatProperty rBestimmungsgrenze;
private final SimpleFloatProperty rNachweisgrenze;
public analysemethoden_table (String sAmnorm, String sMethoverantw, Float sBestimmungsgrenze, Float sNachweisgrenze) {
this.rAmnorm = new SimpleStringProperty(sAmnorm);
this.rMethverantw = new SimpleStringProperty(sMethoverantw);
this.rBestimmungsgrenze = new SimpleFloatProperty(sBestimmungsgrenze);
this.rNachweisgrenze = new SimpleFloatProperty(sNachweisgrenze);
// Getter- und Setter-Methoden
/** rAmnorm **/
public String getRAmnorm() {
return rAmnorm.get();
public void setRAmnorm(String set) {
/** rMethverantw **/
public String getRMethverantw() {
return rMethverantw.get();
public void setRMethverantw(String set) {
/** rBestimmungsgrenze **/
public Float getRBestimmungsgrenze() {
return rBestimmungsgrenze.get();
public void setRBestimmungsgrenze(Float set) {
/** rNachweisgrenze **/
public Float getRNachweisgrenze() {
return rNachweisgrenze.get();
public void setRNachweisgrenze(Float set) {
You need to use
or any other getter method in place of getRAmnorm()
to get the required output.
-> row number