I am passing 2 nullable parameters to a Products action. However I am forced to pass some value in mallId
, otherwise I get a no route table matches found
error. I want to pass null
in mallId
and receive in the Products
return RedirectToRoute("Products",
mallId =(Int32?)null,
storeId =(Int32?)storeProducts.StoreId
[Route("Mall/{mallId?}/Store/{storeId?}/Products", Name = "Products")]
public ActionResult Products(string mallId, long? storeId)
return View(products);
Attribute routing is cracking my head but it is great too.
[Route("Mall/{mallId?}/Store/{storeId?}/Products", Name = "Products")]
public ActionResult Products(string mallId = null, long? storeId)
return View(products);
and don't pass in a value for mallId