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Creating a callable with numexpr

I'm doing some symbolic math with sympy, then generating a Python lambda function using eval and sympy's lambdastr utility. Here's a simplified example of what I mean:

import sympy
import numpy as np
from sympy.utilities.lambdify import lambdastr

# simple example expression (my use-case is more complex)
expr = sympy.S('b*sqrt(a) - a**2')
a, b = sorted(expr.free_symbols, key=lambda s:

func = eval(lambdastr((a,b), expr), dict(sqrt=np.sqrt))

# call func on some numpy arrays
foo, bar = np.random.random((2, 4))
print func(foo, bar)

This works, but I don't like the use of eval, and sympy doesn't necessarily generate computationally-efficient code. Instead, I'd like to use numexpr, which seems perfect for this use-case:

import numexpr
print numexpr.evaluate(str(expr), local_dict=dict(a=foo, b=bar))

The only problem is that I'd like to generate a callable (like the func lambda), instead of calling numexpr.evaluate every time. Is this possible?


  • You can make use of the lambdify module, which allows you to transform SymPy expressions to lambda functions for efficient calculation. This is nice in its ability to return a function with an attached implementation.

    Lambdifying your own function could look something like this:

    func = lambdify((a,b),expr, dict(sqrt=np.sqrt))