I have this automator setup which allows you to open a folder with terminal. The thing I want is that after the folder is opened via terminal, it should run the compass watch
This is what I currently have but I don't seem to find the solution myself. I tried adding some applescript and some bash, but nothing seems to work. Anyone know the solution?
Try this :
Add the "Run AppleScript" action in your workflow
If the compass watch
script is a file, use this AppleScript script
on run {input, parameters}
set compasswatchScript to quoted form of "" -- drag drop the script file between double quote
tell application "Terminal"
do script compasswatchScript in window 1
end tell
end run
Insert the path of your script file in the second line of this script
if compass watch
is a command, use this AppleScript script
on run {input, parameters}
tell application "Terminal"
do script "compass watch" in window 1
end tell
end run