I am very new to haskell and I am trying to understand the methodology used to create Monadic parser in this document https://www.cs.nott.ac.uk/~gmh/pearl.pdf
Instead of following it exactly, I am trying to do it a little bit differently in order to understand it correctly, therefore, I ended up with this code
newtype Parser a = Parser (String -> Maybe (a, String))
item :: Parser Char
item = Parser (\cs -> case cs of
"" -> Nothing
(c:cs) -> Just (c, cs))
getParser (Parser x) = x
instance Monad Parser where
return x = Parser (\cs -> Just (x,cs))
(Parser p) >>= f = Parser (\cs -> let result = p cs in
case result of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (c,cs') -> getParser (f c) cs')
takeThreeDropSecond :: Parser (Char, Char)
takeThreeDropSecond = do
c1 <- item
c2 <- item
return (c1, c2)
This seems to be working, but I am having hard time following what is going on in do notation.
For example; in c1 <- item
, what is assigned to c1
? Is it the function that is contained in Parser
type, or result of that computation, or what else? Moreover, second line in do notation is just item
, so does it just run item
but doesn't assign the result? And finally, what does return (c1,c2)
produce? Is it Parser (String -> Maybe ((c1, c2)), String)
or just Just (c1, c2)
The Parser
type wraps up a function that can 1) represent failure using Maybe
and 2) returns the remaining text that was not parsed through (a, String)
along with 3) some value a
that was parsed, which can be anything. The monad instance is the plumbing to tie them together. The return
implementation creates a Parser
around a function that 1) succeeds with Just
something, 2) does not modify its input text, and 3) directly passes the value given to it. The >>=
implementation takes a parser and a function, then returns a new parser created by first running the p
, then based on whether that result passed or failed running f
In takeThreeDropSecond
, first c1 <- item
says "parse the given using item
, assign its result to c1
, and feed the rest of the input forward". This does not assign the function inside the item
parser to c1
, it assigns the result of running the function inside item
against the current input. Then you reach item
, which parses a value using item
, doesn't assign it to anything, and feeds the rest of the input forward. Next you reach c2 <- item
, which does basically the same thing as the first line, and finally return (c1, c2)
, which would expand to Parser (\cs -> Just ((c1, c2), cs))
. This means that return (c1, c2)
has the type Parser (Char, Char)
. With type annotations it would be
takeThreeDropSecond :: Parser (Char, Char)
takeThreeDropSecond = do
(c1 :: Char) <- (item :: Parser Char)
(item :: Parser Char)
(c2 :: Char) <- (item :: Parser Char)
(return (c1, c2) :: Parser (Char, Char))
Note that the last line of any monadic do block must have the same type as the function it is a member of. Since return (c1, c2)
has type Parser (Char, Char)
, so must takeThreeDropSecond
, and vice-versa.