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Morris donut chart with dynamic json data

I'm using morris donuy chart and I'm not able to pass my json array data to the jquery corectly I think. Here is my php file:

$stmt=$dbh->prepare("Select COUNT(Incasari.id_produs) as cnt,Incasari.id_produs,denumire_produs from Incasari
                    INNER JOIN Produse on Produse.id_produs=Incasari.id_produs Group By Incasari.id_produs order by cnt desc limit 3 ");

while ($row=$stmt->fetch())
    $arr[]= array(
        'id'   => ''.$row['id_produs'].'',
        'denumire'   => ''.$row['denumire_produs'].'',
        'cnt'  => ''.$row['cnt'].''

echo json_encode($arr);

The returned result is:


And the javascript part:

        url: 'app/chart_produse.php', // getchart values
        dataType: 'JSON',
        type: 'POST',
        data: {get_values: true},
        success: function(response) {
            var donut = new Morris.Donut({
                element: 'sales-chart',
                resize: true,
                colors: ["#3c8dbc", "#f56954", "#00a65a"],
                data: response,
                hideHover: 'auto'


  • Your format of passing data is not right. According to Moris donut documentation

    The data to plot. This is an array of objects, containing label and value attributes corresponding to the labels and sizes of the segments of the donut chart.