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OcMock vs OcMockito - what are pros and cons

For iOS tdd testing/mocking which framework would you recommend? I heard that OcMock has been around longer and is more lightweight. Could anyone provide a few examples of the pros and cons or demo some strengths of each. I'm just looking for a standard mocking framework that's fast but i'd like to know all the drawbacks/benefits of each.


  • There's already a sort-of-comparison on

    It basically boils down to:

    OCMock has a lot more functionality than OCMockito, which, depending on your personal preference, could be a benefit or a drawback.

    Both are installable via CocoaPods, so they’re easy to integrate with your existing test setup

    I'm new to iOS testing, so I just leave this here to point anyone into the right direction until someone else provides a more elaborate answer.