Since my eyes get less strained with dark windows, I'd like to set a dark background in my gnuplot terminal. Setting a dark square beneath the plot would be a solution, if only this would not affect readability (dark lines on dark background...).
I don't want to spend my day in finding color combinations, however by inverting the terminal color I would get exactly what I need: dark background and readable plots.
Does anyone know a command for inverting the terminal, or the name of an interactive terminal (supported by GNU/Linux) which supports color inversion?
Thanks in advance.
Many terminals (including png
and wxt
) have background
You can set dark background, for example:
set terminal wxt background '#00222222'
And then change border/axis color to something light, for example:
set style line 101 lc rgb '#808080' lt 1 lw 1
set border 3 front ls 101
I don't know about automatic 'color inversion', but this seems like a pretty good workaround. You can find some interesting information in Ease your plotting with config-snippets article.
See gnuplot-colorbrewer for some predefined color schemes.