So given the following:
def inorder(t):
if t:
yield t.key
x = [ n for n in inorder(r) ]
only contains the root node, why?
Here's the full code; note that the BST implementation is correct, it's the inorder()
implementation with generators that is somehow wrong.
class STree(object):
def __init__(self, value):
self.key = value
self.left = None
self.right = None
def insert(r, node):
if node.key < r.key:
if r.left is None:
r.left = node
insert(r.left, node)
if r.right is None:
r.right = node
insert(r.right, node)
def inorder(t):
if t:
yield t.key
r = STree(10)
insert(r, STree(12))
insert(r, STree(5))
insert(r, STree(99))
insert(r, STree(1))
tree = [ n for n in inorder(r) ]
print tree
only creates the generator object, it doesn't actually run it. You need to actually yield
all the values produced by each of the sub-generators, like so:
def inorder(t):
if t:
yield from inorder(t.left)
yield t.key
yield from inorder(t.right)
Note that the yield from
convenience syntax was only introduced in Python 3.3 so if you're using an older version you'll have to iterate over the sub-generators explicitly:
# Python 2
def inorder(t):
if t:
for key in inorder(t.left):
yield key
yield t.key
for key in inorder(t.right):
yield key