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Cordova #Intent-BroadcastReceiver

First of all, I'm working with some specific API ( Grand Stream GXV3275 phone ) which requires that Intent - BroadcastReceiver combo breaker.

When my device is on landscape orientation it works good so the problem came with Intent - BroadcastReceiver.

So I need that IntentFilter to know my HOOKEVENT ans then receive it with that BroadcastReceiver.

I just want to know why it doesn't even show the alert or don't work at all. Is that possible to deal with IntentFilter on CordovaPlugin? With BroadcastReceiver?

I made some test on my CordovaActivity and HOOKEVENT ; updating a text-view. So I assume that's a problem with CordovaPlugin.

I also tried to do:

CordovaActivity activity = (CordovaActivity) this.cordova.getActivity();

Which normally allow me to get string that works on my activity but gave me NPE..

public class Toast extends CordovaPlugin {

private String javascript = "";

public boolean execute(String action, JSONArray args, CallbackContext callbackContext) throws JSONException {
    switch (action) {
        case "reversed":
            return true;
    return false;

private Activity getActivity() { return this.cordova.getActivity();}

private void reversedTest(){
   Configuration configuration = getActivity().getResources().getConfiguration();
   if(configuration.orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE){

public void initHookEvent() {
   IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter("");
   getActivity().registerReceiver(broadcastReceiver, filter);

public BroadcastReceiver broadcastReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
   public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
      if (intent.getBooleanExtra("hookoff", false)){
         javascript = "javascript:document.getElementById(\"combi\").innerHTML=\"decroche\";";
         javascript = "javascript:document.getElementById(\"combi\").innerHTML=\"raccroche\";";


  • I found myself my problem.

    I create a specific plugin only for that after. You just needed to :



    getActivity().getApplicationContext().registerReceiver(broadcastReceiver_hook, filter_hook);

    Here's my final plugin :

    public class Hook extends CordovaPlugin {
    public boolean execute(String action, JSONArray args, CallbackContext callbackContext) throws JSONException {
        return false;
     * Use to get the current Cordova Activity
     * @return your Cordova activity
    private Activity getActivity() { return this.cordova.getActivity();}
     * Initializing GXV 3275 Hook Event
     * You ABSOLUTELY need to precise getActivity().getApplicationContext()
     * before registerReceiver() otherwise it won't get the good context.
    public void initHookEvent() {
        IntentFilter filter_hook = new IntentFilter("");
        getActivity().getApplicationContext().registerReceiver(broadcastReceiver_hook, filter_hook);
     * BroadcastReceiver is also needed with GXV 3275 Hook Event
     * Just sendJavascript for each cases
     *       /!\ webView /!\
     * Is natively created by extending CordovaPlugin
    public BroadcastReceiver broadcastReceiver_hook = new BroadcastReceiver() {
        public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
            if ( intent.getBooleanExtra("hookoff", false)){
                webView.sendJavascript("javascript:document.getElementById(\"combi\").style.opacity = 1;");
                webView.sendJavascript("javascript:document.getElementById(\"combi\").style.opacity = 1;");
