Search code examples

Simple IF test statement in Doctrine

Does Doctrine support IF statements? I get the following error:

Expected known function, got 'IF'

while executing this query with IF:

$qb->select(", IF(c.type_id LIKE 9,, c.lastname) as name")

It works fine while re-written in pure SQL. Any workarounds?


  • Yes if statements in doctrine is not supported you may convert it to case when

    IF(c.type_id LIKE 9,, c.lastname) as name


    case when c.type_id = 9 then else c.lastname end as name

    UPDATE: From the comment does concat function is allowed in case-when

    The answer is yes very much allowed. Here is an example

    mysql> select * from timesheets ;
    | client_id | hours | category |
    |         1 |  1.50 | onsite   |
    |         1 |  1.50 | onsite   |
    |         1 |  1.00 | remote   |
    |         2 |  1.50 | remote   |
    4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> select 
    case when category = 'onsite' then concat('ON',' ',hours) else hours
    end as dd from timesheets ;
    | dd      |
    | ON 1.50 |
    | ON 1.50 |
    | 1.00    |
    | 1.50    |
    4 rows in set (0.00 sec)