I have a chart with 3 SChartLineSeries
. I would like to show 3 simultaneous target points (from the crosshair that corresponds to his serie) at the same time.
Like I have on this picture with dataPoints, but I would like have it on the same X position with Crosshairs.
How can I achieve that? I tried to recognize the 'long press' event in the delegate method, but I didn't figure out how to do it.
With crosshairs, I only have this:
Ive tried:
- (void)sChart:(ShinobiChart *)chart toggledSelectionForPoint:(SChartDataPoint *)dataPoint inSeries:(SChartSeries *)series atPixelCoordinate:(CGPoint)pixelPoint
for (SChartLineSeries *serie in chart.series) {
for (SChartDataPoint *dp in serie.dataSeries.dataPoints){
if (dp.xValue == dataPoint.xValue){
dp.selected = YES;
serie.crosshairEnabled = YES;
serie.style.selectedPointStyle.color = [UIColor blackColor];
serie.style.selectedPointStyle.radius = [NSNumber numberWithInt:8];
serie.style.selectedPointStyle.showPoints = YES;
And subclassing the object 'SChartCrosshair
' I recognize the long press event on 'crosshairChartGotLongPressAt
I already managed it, with the help of ShinobiControls team support.
On the 'SChartCrosshair
' I subclassed, I had to loop over the points that matched with the 'Crosshair
' X position touched, and adding the ones that mathed to an array for using them in 'drawCrosshairLines
'. For that, I used, the pixel version of the point, through a method that understands the SChartAxis
object: 'pixelValueForDataValue
I draw a vertical line on the chart as well.
@implementation CustomCrossHair
CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
SChartDataPoint *firstDataPixelPoint = arrayPixelPoints[0];
double xFirst = [firstDataPixelPoint.xValue doubleValue];
CGContextMoveToPoint(context,xFirst, 0.f);
CGContextAddLineToPoint(context,xFirst, self.chart.canvas.glView.frame.size.height);
for (SChartDataPoint *dataPixelPoint in arrayPixelPoints){
double yVal = [dataPixelPoint.yValue doubleValue];
double xVal = [dataPixelPoint.xValue doubleValue];
CGRect rectangle = CGRectMake(xVal,yVal, 7, 7);
CGContextAddEllipseInRect(context, rectangle);
-(void)moveToPosition:(SChartPoint)coords andDisplayDataPoint:(SChartPoint)dataPoint fromSeries:(SChartCartesianSeries *)series andSeriesDataPoint:(id<SChartData>)dataseriesPoint
[super moveToPosition:coords andDisplayDataPoint:dataPoint fromSeries:series andSeriesDataPoint:dataseriesPoint];
arrayPixelPoints = [NSMutableArray array];
SChartDataPoint *dataSPoint = dataseriesPoint;
int i = 0;
for (SChartLineSeries *serie in self.chart.series){
for (SChartDataPoint *dp in serie.dataSeries.dataPoints){
if ([dp.xValue doubleValue] == [dataSPoint.xValue doubleValue]){
float yPixel = [self.chart.yAxis pixelValueForDataValue:dp.yValue];
float xPixel = [self.chart.xAxis pixelValueForDataValue:dp.xValue];
SChartDataPoint *dataPointPixel = [[SChartDataPoint alloc] init];
dataPointPixel.xValue = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:xPixel];
dataPointPixel.yValue = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:yPixel];
[arrayPixelPoints addObject:dataPointPixel];
if (i == self.chart.series.count) [self drawCrosshairLines];