I'm completely baffled by the results of this query:
select count(*) from my_tab mt
where mt.stat = '2473'
and mt.name= 'Tom'
and exists (select * from company_users@colink.world cu,
personnel_records@colink.world pr
where cu.user_id = pr.user_id
and mt.name = pr.name
and mt.stat = cu.stat
Returns: 1
There are 0 records in company_users@colink.world with stat='2473', so why is it returning true for the exists?
If I change the query like so, it returns 0:
select count(*) from my_tab mt
where mt.stat = '2473'
and mt.name= 'Tom'
and exists (select * from company_users@colink.world cu,
personnel_records@colink.world pr
where cu.user_id = pr.user_id
and mt.name = pr.name
and cu.stat = '2473'
UPDATE Okay, this is really weird. Just to see what would happen, I executed the query from the other database (the one referenced by the DB Links) and it gave different (correct) results.
select count(*) from my_tab@mylink.world mt
where mt.stat = '2473'
and mt.name= 'Tom'
and exists (select * from company_users cu,
personnel_records pr
where cu.user_id = pr.user_id
and mt.name = pr.name
and mt.stat = cu.stat
Returns 0 (as expected).
Have a look at the explain plan for the first query. I suspect there is a bug, and the query plan may show how an invalid rewrite is being done.