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NullPointerException calling EJB in Vaadin 7

I'm using Wildfly 8.2, JavaEE 7 and Vaadin 7. I got NullPointerException when calling the stateless bean findAll() method in the user interface layer. Do you know why? Below are my code.

            public abstract class AbstractEntity implements Serializable {
                @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
                private Long id;

                //Getters/Setters are here    

        public class Patient extends AbstractEntity {
            String firstName;
            String lastName;
            Date DOB;

            public Patient() {}
            //Getters/Setters are here

    public class PatientService {

        private EntityManager em;

        public List<Patient> findAll() {
            CriteriaQuery<Patient> cq = em.getCriteriaBuilder().createQuery(Patient.class);
            return em.createQuery(cq).getResultList();


Here's my persistence.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<persistence version="2.0" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
  <persistence-unit name="patient-pu" transaction-type="JTA">

Here's my Vaadin UI.

public class MyUI extends UI {
    private PatientService patientService;

    protected void init(VaadinRequest vaadinRequest) {

    @WebServlet(urlPatterns = "/*", name = "MyUIServlet", asyncSupported = true)
    @VaadinServletConfiguration(ui = MyUI.class, productionMode = false)
    public static class MyUIServlet extends VaadinServlet {


  • You get a NPE because patientService is null.

    The problem is that the MyUI class is not a managed bean, meaning that it's not created by the Java EE container and that's why the @Inject annotation don't have any effect.

    The easiest way to make MyUI as a managed bean, is to use the Vaadin CDI addon.