I want to control an LED by bluetooth module (hc 05) on galileo gen 2. I need the following procedure: after sending a char, let's say '1', an LED connected to pin 2 turns on for 5 seconds and then it turns off and waits for another command. How could I do this?
I tried code: (This is actually for Galileo Gen 2, but my bluetooth works fine, I checked that on other example with turning led on and off)
include TimerOne.h
TTYUARTClass* gSerialOnePtr = &Serial1;
char input;
int led = 2;
long offAt = 0;
enum States // set values for enum Mode
States currentState, nextState;
void setup()
Timer1.initialize(1000000); // seting interrupt time to 1 sec
Timer1.attachInterrupt(checkBluetooth); // Declaring ISR Function name
gSerialOnePtr->begin(9600); //start serial connection
pinMode(led, OUTPUT);
currentState = off;
void loop()
switch(currentState) // android app sends letters from A to I each letter turn on different Mode.
case on://red color
case off://green color
currentState = nextState; //saving next mode in current mode.
void checkBluetooth() //ISR for timer1
if(gSerialOnePtr->available()) // checking if data arrived from bluetooth module.
input = gSerialOnePtr->read(); // save character from serial in bt.
if(input == '1')
currentState = on;
else if(input == '2')
currentState = off;
void ledOn()
if( (digitalRead(led) == LOW ) )
digitalWrite(led, HIGH);
offAt = millis() + 5000; //store var of now + 5 seconds
if(digitalRead(led) == HIGH) //if led is on
if(millis() >= offAt) //see if it's time to turn off LED
digitalWrite(led, LOW); //it's time. this also re-enables the button
void ledOff()
digitalWrite(led, LOW);
It's not working yet...
I think that your problem is the line
currentState = nextState; //saving next mode in current mode.
Try commenting it. Or, if you want to use it the way I think you want, you have to write
void setup()
currentState = off;
nextState = off;
void checkBluetooth() //ISR for timer1
input = gSerialOnePtr->read(); // save character from serial in bt.
if(input == '1')
nextState = on;
else if(input == '2')
nextState = off;
By the way, I'd also write
So if you send it a 10 bytes array you don't have to wait for 10 seconds... Personally I'd also reduce the interrupt time to, let's say, 0.1 seconds, but that's not mandatory..
To turn off after 5 seconds, I'd write
NON RETRIGGERABLE METHOD (i.e. if you send a '1' when it's on it will be discarded)
unsigned long startTime;
void setup()
startTime = 0;
void ledOn()
digitalWrite(led, HIGH);
if (millis() - startTime > 5000)
nextState = off;
void ledOff()
digitalWrite(led, LOW);
startTime = millis();
RETRIGGERABLE METHOD (i.e. if you send a '1' when it's on the 5 seconds will start again)
unsigned long startTime;
void setup()
startTime = 0;
void checkBluetooth()
if(input == '1')
nextState = on;
startTime = millis();
else if(input == '2')
void ledOn()
digitalWrite(led, HIGH);
if (millis() - startTime > 5000)
nextState = off;
void ledOff()
digitalWrite(led, LOW);