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Move image from end of snake in game to front first coordinate in dictionary

This is my final project for my Python class. It's basically a snake game, only it's themed so instead of a snake, there is a leading image (the head) and a train behind it (the snake body).

Everything is perfect in the code, except one thing: the way the code is now, the head is at the end of the snake and I can't figure out for the life of me how to move it to the front where it leads the train.

Here is my code:


  • I have tried your code, and I change a little in the drawCock function:

    def drawCock(Cock):
        for place in Cock:
            x = place['x'] * size
            y = place['y'] * size
            CART = pygame.transform.scale(image2,(size,size))
        if Cock[2:]:
            HEAD = pygame.transform.scale(image1,(size,size))

    I use the dictionary Cock's first item's x and y as the coordinate values to draw the head. The head is in the first position of the snake now. Hope it helps.