We have a HTTPS RESTFul service running in IIS. We are able to successfully call it using the browser. However, when we call the service from a worklight adapter, we are getting the following exception:
The worklight adapter was working perfectly fine when we were using HTTP instead of HTTPS.
We have followed all the steps mentioned in the documentation:
We have even verified the default.keystore of the worklight, it is matching with the certificate present in the IIS server.
We don't need mutual authentication. We just want to use SSL in the RestFul service deployed in the IIS.
Thanks, Pavan
You forgot to add the certificate to your device's trust store. Since it is self signed, devices will not trust them by default. To do so, follow the steps here for your device's OS: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSZH4A_6.2.0/com.ibm.worklight.installconfig.doc/admin/c_ssl_config.html?lang=en
Specifically, look at this for iOS and this one for Android.