I was playing around with S4 objects in R and was wondering about the following:
Let's assume the following simplified example: We have two S4 classe within R, one called Customer and another Order. We define them with the following slots:
Customer <- setClass(Class = "Customer",slots = c(CustomerID = "numeric", Name = "character", OrderHistory = "data.frame"),
prototype = list(CustomerID = 0,Name = "",OderHistory = data.frame()))
Order <- setClass(Class = "Order",slots = c(CustomerID = "numeric", Description = "character",
Cost = "numeric"),
prototype = list(CustomerID = 0,Description = "",Cost = 0))
# constructor
Customer <- function(CustomerID, Name, OrderHistory=data.frame()){
#drop sanity checks
new("Customer",CustomerID = CustomerID, Name = Name, OrderHistory = OrderHistory)
Order <- function(CustomerID, Description = "",Cost = 0){
#drop sanity checks
new("Order",CustomerID = CustomerID, Description = "", Cost = 0)
#create two objects
firstCustomer <- Customer(1,"test")
firstOrder <- Order(1,"new iPhone", 145)
Obviously, firstCustomer and firstOrder are linked via the CustomerID. Is it possible to automatically update the OrderHistory slot of Customer once a new Order instance is created? Assuming that OrderHistory has two columns, "Description" and "Cost", how can I automatically update a new order instance? Is there a elegant / general way to do it? Most likely, the class Order needs a slot of type "Customer". Many thanks in advance
You can't link across two independent objects, so you need methods that use both. Here is an example with a replacement method:
Customer <- setClass(
prototype=list(OrderHistory = list())
Order <- setClass(
slot =c(
Description="character", Cost="numeric"
) )
function(object, value, ...) StandardGeneric("add<-")
setMethod("add<-", c("Customer", "Order"),
function(object, value) {
object@OrderHistory <- append(object@OrderHistory, value)
setMethod("show", "Customer",
function(object) {
cat("** Customer #", object@CustomerID, ": ", object@Name, "\n\n", sep="")
for(i in object@OrderHistory) cat("\t", i@Description, "\t", i@Cost, "\n", sep="")
firstCustomer <- new("Customer", CustomerID=1, Name="test")
add(firstCustomer) <- new("Order", Description="new iPhone", Cost=145)
add(firstCustomer) <- new("Order", Description="macbook", Cost=999)
** Customer #1: test
new iPhone 145
macbook 999