I'm using Full Calendar to pull in Google Calendar information and would like to do something similar to this which populates empty elements in a hidden element when links in the calendar are clicked, and then displays it in a Bootstrap modal window, except with Magnific Popup which I'm already using for modals on this particular site.
In the Bootstrap example, the modal is initialised with:
but with Magnific Popup, it's initalised on the link you click on instead. So I'm not really sure how to go about combining the two techniques.
So in my HTML, I have:
<div id="calendar"></div>
<div id="calendar-popup" class="white-popup mfp-hide">
<h2 id="modalTitle" class="modal-title"></h2>
<div id="modalBody" class="modal-body"></div>
<a id="eventUrl" class="button" rel="external">Event page</a>
and my js:
header: {
left: 'prev,next today',
center: 'title',
right: 'month,agendaWeek,basicDay'
googleCalendarApiKey: 'XXXX',
eventClick: function(event, jsEvent, view) {
eventSources: [
At the moment I'm initialising magnificPopup
with #calendar-popup
but that's the target, not the link that's being clicked.
Attach Magnific Popup to the eventRender:
eventRender: function(event, element) {
//Initialize Magnific Popup Plugin for event info on eventClick
items: {
// Set the source to the div containing event's data
src: '#eventContent',
type: 'inline'
More info here: http://fullcalendar.io/docs/event_rendering/eventRender/