I have a query such as:
Query Syntax 1 - Does not fire the somehandler;
var results = (from I in db.mytable
select new myObject() {
column1 = i.Prop1
Query Syntax 2 - Does fires the somehandler event;
var results = (from I in db.mytable
select I).toList();
in my ContextClass I have something like this:
((IOjectContextAdapter)this).ObjectContext.ObjectMaterialized += somehandler;
The only difference I see is that the first query builds a new object from the select results.
Any idea why the event wouldn't fire?
The event fires only for Entity object projections, that is why you see this behaviour.
"If the query used a projection and there is no matching entity, the results are materialized into DbDataRecords (or anonymous types when a LINQ to Entities query was used) instead of entity objects," Ref -Programming Entity Framework (Julia Lerman)P-244)
The definition for ObjectMarialized states
Occurs when a new entity object is created from data in the data source as part of a query or load operation.
Since the projection does not create an Entity object, it does not fire the event.