I'm trying to implement a middleware in django(1.4) to create a call graph using PyCallGraph. I've based it from two different snippets found online. This is what it looks like:
import time
from django.conf import settings
from pycallgraph import Config
from pycallgraph import PyCallGraph
from pycallgraph.output import GraphvizOutput
class CallgraphMiddleware(object):
def process_view(self, request, callback, callback_args, callback_kwargs):
if settings.DEBUG and 'graph' in request.GET:
config = Config()
config.trace_filter = GlobbingFilter(exclude=['pycallgraph.*','*.secret_function',], include=['reports.*'])
graphviz = GraphvizOutput(output_file='callgraph-' + str(time.time()) + '.png')
pycallgraph = PyCallGraph(output=graphviz, config=config)
self.pycallgraph = pycallgraph
def process_response(self, request, response):
if settings.DEBUG and 'graph' in request.GET:
return response
I've added it to the other middlewares installed on settings.py
then started the server.
It seems to trigger when the process_view
is called but when it gets to process_response
django complains, telling me that 'CallgraphMiddleware' object has no attribute 'pycallgraph'
. How is that possible? Apparently the line
self.pycallgraph = pycallgraph
is not taken into account. Why?
I did forget to import GlobbingFilter
so I had an exception that wouldn't let the code run up to the line self.pycallgraph = pycallgraph
Also PyCharm was not properly configured. I solved thank to this Answer: