I am a bit new to this and I have what I believe is a basic question. For one year I have been sending the same email every two weeks. The variable I want to analyse is the language( English and French). I would like to know how important is the difference of click rate between English and French. I already have all the data, I am just not sure what is the best test to use for this. Any help?
A t-test sounds like it would be the most appropriate method to ascertain whether there is a statistically significant difference between the mean click rate for English language emails in comparison to French language emails. Depending on how your data is organised and collected a paired-sample t-test or an independent sample t-test could be used. If the data does not meet parametric assumptions (ie is not normally distributed) you could use the Mann-Whitney U Test in place of an independent sample t-test or the Wilcoxon signed-rank test for a paired samples t-test. All four of these tests can be found under the Analyze menu in SPSS, with the t-test under Compare Means and the non-parametric equivalents under Nonparametric tests. This link gives some advice on t-tests in SPSS and how to interpret them. If you comment giving a link to your data I can help further if necessary.