I'm having trouble finding examples of how to implement partials using the Spullara Mustache java implementation. Their github page doesn't seem to have any straight forward partial examples.
In DefaultMustacheFactory I see methods for compilePartial and resolvePartialPath, but I'm not sure if I am supposed to override them or what.
I currently have this, and it works great without partials. TemplateContent contains the raw template html including mustache syntax.
public Mustache compileMustacheTemplate(String templateCode, String templateContent){
return new DefaultMustacheFactory().compile(new StringReader(templateContent),templateCode);
Pretty straight forward. But what if template content had {{>partialName}} inside it? I think I need to somehow specify that template content as well.
Do I need to extend DefaultMustacheFactory or possibly another class to specify the name of my partial and the content for it?
I believe I'm just missing something.
Thanks, Matt
Assuming your template files are stored in a folder 'src/main/resources/org/example/web/' and you have one template "page.html" file referencing two other template files 'header.html' and 'footer.html'. Your template file "page.html" should look like this:
{{> src/main/resources/org/example/web/header.html}}
... some content ...
{{> src/main/resources/org/example/web/footer.html}}