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Facebook Social Plugin - How do I retrieve comments embedded in a site?


I have a unique question that might have not been answered before.

I want to post an image to a Facebook social plugin which I have tried getting a listing of posts from two separate URLs.

First step I have tried to get this to work

I am currently trying to get a list of posts by the desired URL (Unsuccessful URL 2).

I found the following question on StackOverflow and tried adding the URL into the address bar for both websites below.

Programmatically posting Facebook comments

URL 1 works fine, but URL 2 does not.

1) Successful URL Correct JSON Returned

2) Unsuccessful URL Empty JSON Returned

Empty JSON Response

   "": {
      "comments": {
         "data": [



Why can I not get any JSON data for URL 2 ?


  • Why can I not get any JSON data for URL 2 ?

    Because you passed the wrong URL, by failing to properly URL-encode the parameter value.

    Let’s take that apart, shall we?

    You pass one parameter ids with the value, and then two more parameters utm_medium with value facebook and utm_campaign with value fb_comment.

    The ampersand separates URL parameters. If you don’t want it to do that, but have it be part of a parameter value instead – then you need to URL-encode it properly.

    (Not only the ampersand was encoded here, but the whole parameter value. You should do that whenever you put any value into a URL context.)